How To
See more than one chart per screen.


It's easy

When you first visit MCC, you get three charts and your organizer. In MultiCoinCharts you can add as many stocks, currencies, or indices that you want. Normally, charts show a two by two grid; four charts are visible before requiring a scroll. Four charts per screen are not the limit since you can allow as many charts as your monitor (screen) can show!

Welcome to MultiCoinCharts

It's okay to be new here. At the top of your screen are Width, Height, Settings, and Share. Here's what that's all about.

Width represents the number of columns per screen. Height is to the number of rows per screen. For either, type the amount you want; MultiCoinCharts adjusts automatically.

Settings lets you make configurations on all your charts. If you prefer a specific timezone, timespan, bar type, theme, level of detail, or even more, then Settings is your closest ally.

Share quickly allows you to copy your URL (list of charts). You can text or post about the charts you are using or just save it for later.

Looking for something else?

What is the chart organizer?

How do I change the number of charts on my screen?
